Saturday, December 30, 2006
{ 7:48 AM }
WHAT IS A VIRUS? 1) Virus is a little program whos activity can destruct/destroy some files and a computer system. If this program does not open, it's inactive and could not or will not destroy anything. WHAT IS A VIRUS-EMAIL?
2) The virus program is brought to you by an email as attachment. It has a server itself (virus server). File virus attachments cannot go to another email, such as an email was sent by user (netter), member, moderator etc to be as their attachment. It must be brought to you by email itself,that we called EMAIL Of VIRUS. WHAT'S THEIR ADDRES?
3) EMAIL OF VIRUS would be sent by any email address of any account, that it found and cracked from some mailbox or address-book of other person anywhere. So that why the email of virus looks like it was sent by our friend, our member,our moderator etc..... even it is able to email a virus by our own email address. HOW TO SEE IS THAT A VIRUS ATTACHMENT?
4) To identification of virus attachment:a). it has a small size ( <150KB )b). it has extension file name such as below: *.scr*.clp *.pif*.bat *.exe*.com *.txt*.doc*.lhz*.rhzand some time it's compressed by *.zip file.Also by the fake name HotMovie.MPEG_ _________ scr.Actualy the file is virus file with extension .scrHOW TO SEE IS THAT AN EMAIL VIRUS?
5) You are would able to understand an email virus from their SUBJECT, most of them contains an amazing statement or unsusal word, such as below:
Weah ^_^ :))Hokki=)Hi :)ello!=))Hello -:))Hey, dude, it's me ^_^access MpegRe:your textRe:Text messageRe:Msg replyRe:Is that your document?Re:Hot Movie(MPEG)Re:Information. ..Re;Important infoRe:This is your photos!:)and more, and more...If you received emails with the subject matter as above, youshould delete even with out openin.NOTE:Don't have words in ur email subject which resembles a virus mail Otherwise your email would be deleted by recipient[s] .BEAWARE it's dangerous.*** If one of your file is infected by virus, it will change into function of a virus and might infecte all files in your hard disk.
Labels: reads
Monday, December 25, 2006
{ 11:06 PM }
haha..din do much today..jz went to vin house and played abit and den we go imm at late huh..we go ichiban to makan...

the address ii took...

the dishes we ordered..

the nicey drinks we ordered..

finally the place dat we went to..
Labels: food
Sunday, December 17, 2006
{ 1:19 PM }
1. You unwrap gifts very carefully,so you can save and reuse the wrapping. (and especially those bows).
2. When there is a sale on toilet paper,you buy 100 rolls and store them
in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out.
3. You keep a Thermos of hot water available at all times.4. You save grocery bags,tin foil and tin containers.You use the grocery bags to hold garbage.5. You hate to waste food: a. Even if you're totally full, if someone says they're going to throw away the leftovers on the table, you'll finish them.(your mom will give a lecture about starving kids in Africa).
6. You have Tupperwares in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing. You don't own any real Tupperware -
only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs, take out
containers and jam jars.
7. You have a collection of miniature shampoo bottles that you take every
time you stay in a hotel.8. You wipe your plate and utensils or wash them in a small basin of hot water
before you eat every time you go to a restaurant. 9. You own a rice cooker and slow cooker.
10. You wash your rice at least 2-3 times before cooking it.11. You fight(literally) over who pays the dinner bill.12. You have a teacup with a cover on it.13. If you're under age 20, you own a really expensive Walkman,
if you're over 20,you own a really expensive camera.14. You're a wok user.
15. You only make long distance call after 7pm.16. You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached -
it means they're fresh.17. You never call your parents just to say hi.
18. If you don't live at home and when your parents call, they'll ask if you've eaten, even if it's midnight.19. Your parents tell you to boil herbs and stay indoor when you get sick.
They also tell you not to eat fried foods or baked goods because
they're heaty (yeet hay in Cantonese)
20. You email your Chinese friends at work, even though you only sit less than
10 feet apart.
21. You always cook too much.22. You eat every last grain of rice in your bowl, but don't eat the last piece of
food on the table.
23. You starved yourself before going to all you can eat buffet.24. You know someone who can get you a good deal on jewelery or electronics
or computers.
25. You own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it.
26. Your toothpaste tubes are all squeezed paper-thin.27. You know why this list consists of only "28" reasons. 28. You can take this message and forward it to all your Chinese friends.
Labels: miscellaneous
Saturday, December 16, 2006
{ 12:32 AM }
at first ii was habing a great time with ong n Sandra and den ii went to arcade with ong to play the sweet machine again..was quite lucky to get jp in a berii short time so ii went to find hiim at the bus stop to gib hiim the prizey the end when we alighted at the interchange and hiim sending miie home but..we exchanged our phones and hiim deleting my phone msg by MIISTAKE...!it was damn tootpid de lor..make miie kinda sad..dunknw how to use den dun anyhow use lar...bodoh..Labels: miscellaneous
Friday, December 15, 2006
{ 12:33 AM }
haha..its abit boring today sehh..cold..tired..slpy..all in one..but kinda enjoyed it today jz being wit euu for awhile..hmm..time really flies by when eur enjoying yrself huh..keke..especially being with miie yea..?lol...muacks babiie..hehe..lurbe euu...Labels: love
Sunday, December 10, 2006
{ 11:15 PM }
ii knw ii knw..ii am boring..ii am cold..ii sux alot lor..with all the tootpid attitude dat euu hab to withstand miie...argh..ii can't help it..sometimes ii oso dunknw wad to ii jz step into the arcade ma..only games can cheer miie up..-.-"...arcade games cheer miie up..ktv perhaps..?rite nw guess ii can only cheer moiiself up..cnt alwaes depend on euu oso de..
ii miiss hiim..sad to say huh..ii rly dunknw who ii shud love nw..sad sad miie.. 
guess tis pic rly bring up the sadness in miie ba although ii din show it in my true self..even if ii listen to all the chinese songs dat euu send miie..still...=(...sry.. jz cnt help it..ii knw euu hab to hab yr time to yrself oso..ii jz dun wanna bother euu dat's all..

but ii can promiise euu not to go arcade tis coming sat?we can go ktv oky?

Labels: randoms
{ 12:05 PM }
I have a little problem.So, I call you on the phoneI'm given numbered optionsTo punch them each by tone.After hitting number 7,Then 2, 8, 6 and pound,A short recording tells meThat no operators can be found.They're busy helping othersAnd would I hold, this once?Because my call is SO important.What am I? A dunce?My call's not so importantThat I'll spend an hour on hold,While my shoulder aches,my patience bakes,And my coffee grows green mold.Nothing your recording saysCan cause me to believeThat my call will be takenIn the order it was received.So, down I put the telephoneAnd up I pick the modemTo find solutions, on your site,And, once found, download 'emI calmly wait while DNSLooks up your URL,Until your server answersYour home page front door bell.I wait for frames to paint themselves,My solution to begin.And then, I wait for plug-insSo I can see your logo spin.I wait to get an audio file,Greetings from your CEO.He doesn't get the Internet.But, he loves the radio.I wait for a picture ofYour building is on my screenAnd I realize there are thingsThat should not be heard nor seen.Finally, there's a menuAnd I poise my mouse to click.But first, a Java applet! "Starting Java." I know that won't be quick.The menu choices indicateYou know yourselves full well.You know all about your companyAnd that's what you want to tell.But, where's the button, I can push,That takes me to the pageThat solves my problem? Feels my pain?And soothes my mounting rage?There, in the lower corner,Down by the copyright,There's a little tiny iconThat looks as if it might ...Be a link to customer service.My troubles soon will quit!I click upon it and I get ...A 404 ... Oh, sugar.(for a word that rhymes with quit)And when I finally reach that pageThat promises relief,I'm staring at a documentThat's far beyond belief.For, where there should be answersTo frequently asked questionsAnd online help and knowledge-bases,Is naught but indigestion.For, there in type italics,Underlined and bold,Is the number forYour help desk phone.I should have stayed on hold.(by Jim Sterne)
Labels: information
Friday, December 08, 2006
{ 10:59 PM }
During the weeks before Amy's wedding, she was terribly anxious about making some mistakes at the ceremony. The minister reassured her several times, pointing out that the service was not difficult and she will do just fine."All you have to remember," he said, "is that when you enter the church you walk up the AISLE. The groom and best man will be waiting before the ALTAR. Then I shall request the congregation to sing a HYMN... then we shall get on with the ceremony. All you have to remember is the order in which those things happen and you can't go wrong."The happy day finally arrived, and the bridegroom waited nervously for his bride to appear.When she arrived and stood alongside him, he heard her quietly repeating to herself, "Aisle, altar, hymn, aisle, altar, hymn." Or,as it sounded to him, "I'll alter him!"
Labels: reads
Monday, December 04, 2006
{ 11:36 PM }
A family that happened to be very strong in their Baptist faith,decided they wanted to get a pet. They had one requirement -- the pethad to be Baptist, also!So one day they drove to the pet store where they proceeded to askthe owner,"Do you have any Baptist dogs for sale, by any chance?"Surprised by the question, the pet shop owner looked around his shopand thought about it for a while and finally nodded, saying,"Wait... a... minute... yes, I think we just might have a dog thatcould fit your description. "The owner walks over to a group of cages and brings out a small dogto the family, and the father says,"We need to see if this is a real Baptist dog." So the father saysto the dog, "Go find a bible."Unbelievably, the dog runs out of the pet store, down the street,and into a church... returning with... of all things... a bible in its mouth! He runs up to the family and plops down the book at their feet.Genuinely impressed, the father continues,"Let's see if this dog knows its books of the bible, tho... 'Turn to the book of Psalms,'" he commands the dog.The dog immediately opens the bible with its snout and paws through the pages... stopping when it reaches Psalms.Very pleased, the father buys the dog for his family and they bring it home. The next day, the family has visitors. Proudly, the family shows off their little Baptist dog and the things it could do.Finally, the friends of the family ask, "Nice! But, can it do anyother tricks that normal dogs do?"The Baptist father wondered and said, "Hmm, I don't know. We've never tried any other commands." He then orders the dog, "Heel."Suddenly the dog leaps onto the father's lap and places its paw on the man's head and starts to pray."Wait... a... minute!" exclaim the friends of the family."That dog isn't Baptist!... It's Pentecostal! "
Labels: reads
Saturday, December 02, 2006
{ 10:31 PM }
1 . Tip from Tae Kwon Do: The elbow is the strongest point on your body. If you are close enough to use it, do!
2. Learned this from a tourist guide in New Orleans . If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while the women are attempting to get into their cars. C..) Look at the car parked on the driver's sideof your vehicle, and the passenger side. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back into the mall, or work, and get a guard/policemanto walk you back out. IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.) 6. ALWAYStake the elevatorinstead of the stairs. (Stairwells are horrible places to be alone and the perfect crime spot. This is especially true at NIGHT!) 7. If the predator has a gun and you are not under his control, ALWAYS RUN!The predator will only hit you (a running target) 4 in 100 times;And even then,it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ. RUN, Preferably ! in a zig -zag pattern! 8. As women, we are always tryingto be sympathetic: STOP. It may get you raped,or killed. Ted Bundy,the serial killer,was a good-looking, well educated man, who ALWAYS played on the sympathies of unsuspecting women. He walked with a cane, or a limp,and often asked "for help" into his vehicle or with his vehicle, which is when he abducted his next victim. ************ * Here it is *******9. Another Safety Point:Someone just told me that her friend heard a crying baby on her porch the night before last, and she called the police because it was late and she thought it was weird.The police told her "Whatever you do,DO NOT open the door." The ladythen said that it sounded like the baby had crawled near a window,and she was worried that it would crawl to the streetand get run over. The policeman said,"We already have a unit on the way,whatever you do,DO NOT open the door."He told her that they think a serial killer has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax women out of their homesthinking that someone dropped off a baby He said they have not verified it, but have had several calls by women saying that they hear baby's cries outside their doorswhen they're home aloneat night. Please pass this on and DO NOT open the door for a crying baby ----This e-mail should probably be taken seriously becausethe Crying Baby theory was mentioned on America's Most Wanted this past Saturday when they profiled the serial killer in Louisiana. I'd like you to forward this to all the women you know.It may save a life. A candle is not dimmed by lighting another candle. I was going to send this to the ladies only, but guys, if you love your mothers, wives, sisters,daughters, etc., you may want to pass it onto them, as well. Send this to any woman you know that may need to be reminded that the world we live in has a lot of crazies in it and it's better to be safe than sorry.
Labels: information